The Epidemiology and Field Services Branches within the National Park Service Office of Public Health work together to prevent, detect, and respond to disease transmission within the National Parks. We work from a One Health perspective, recognizing that the health of people, animals, and the environment are all related. We use an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on medical, veterinary, public health, and environmental science to try and ensure the health and safety for all who visit and work in the parks. And we work in collaboration with many others, including local and state and territorial health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), while promoting the mission of the NPS to preserve our natural and cultural resources and values.
The information in the NPS A–Z Health Topics Index is intended to support National Park Service employees, volunteers, commercial use providers, and visitors.
The information is not exhaustive nor is it intended to replace the information from other bureaus within the Department of the Interior or other expert federal agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, we credit these agencies for much of the information, and links to their resources are often included at the bottom of each page.
However, what these topics do try to do is: (1) condense large amounts of information to make it quickly and easily accessible; (2) provide clear instruction on specific actions to prevent and respond to these disease concerns in the national parks; (3) provide additional resources regarding case reports or investigations performed on NPS lands; and (4) place the disease information within the broad “One Health” context, which recognizes the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and the environment.

NPS A-Z Health Topics Index
Learn more about diseases that may be encountered in the Parks and how to prevent them.

Report disease transmission.
Learn how to report disease transmission in the Parks.

Contact us.
Email or call us with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Last updated: June 28, 2023