The Program
The Teacher-Ranger-Teacher (TRT) program links National Park units with teachers from predominantly Title 1 (at least 30% of students on free or reduced cost meals) school districts. Under TRT, selected teachers spend the summer working as park rangers, often living in the park. They perform various duties depending on their interests and the needs of the park, including developing and presenting interpretive programs for the general public, staffing the visitor center desk, developing curriculum-based materials for the park, or taking on special projects.
Then, during the school year, these Teacher Rangers bring the parks into the classroom by developing and presenting curriculum-based lesson plans that draw on their summer's experience. In April, during National Park Week, Teacher Rangers wear their TRT uniforms to school, discuss their summer as a park ranger, and engage students and other teachers in activities that relate to America's national parks. Teachers may earn graduate credit and get further support through a partnership with the University of Colorado at Denver. For more details on the program, see the official TRT website.
TRT is a stipend-based position for teachers who are currently teaching and will be able to carry out the classroom duties during the 2018-2019 school year.
How to Apply
For summer 2019 The Southern Arizona Office is collaborating with Tuzigoot National Monument and Coronado National Memorial to host a TRT interested in researching a prominent figure in those units' history: Grace Sparks.
Download the application and good luck! Application deadline is May 8th.
Last updated: April 10, 2024