The Midwest Archeological Center is dedicated to the study, interpretation and preservation of archeological resources within the National Park System. The Center also provides professional support and consultation to other federal, state, and local government agencies. We conduct research on sites ranging from 10,000-year-old American Indian campsites to the garbage in Abraham Lincoln's backyard. Center staff provide expertise in geophysical, geoarcheological, and fur trade research specializations, as well as a wide range of other studies. The Midwest Archeological Center is organized to provide the highest quality archeological services in an effective, productive, and timely manner.  

As you explore our web site, we hope you will share our appreciation for the archeological record and the role of the National Park Service in preserving, protecting, and interpreting the record of humanity's past. 

3 archeologists holding remote sensing and mapping equipment in a snowy field
What We Do

Find information on the services and expertise provided by the Midwest Archeological Center.

Archeologist shows animal skull collection to group of school children
Learn With Us

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Archeologist holding a remote sensing instrument and walks across a lawn in front of a brick house
Midwest Archeological Center's Projects

Discover MWAC's work in parks, preserves, and monuments! Learn about the people, places, and stories in our region.

Close-up of a historic glass bottle with a label being applied with a fountain pen and archival ink
Collections Management

Discover how our museum professionals care for and manage artifact and archive collections.

Close-up of the vertical spines of library books
Library and Publications

Learn about MWAC's publications and library resources.

3 people digging a square test unit in a grassy field with large clouds in a blue sky above
Contact Us

Find directory information for the Center and MWAC staff members.