
Wounded American Veterans Experience SCUBA
The WAVES Project is a 501c (3) Non-Profit and has been established to provide an opportunity for American Veterans with service connected disabilities and their families to experience scuba diving. Each veteran and a dive companion of their choice can experience the freedom of scuba diving for free. The SRC is partnering with WAVES on a variety of projects aimed to train and utilize veterans in the documentation of underwater resources in the National Park Service.
Diving with a Purpose
Diving with a Purpose
For over forteen years, the SRC has worked with Diving with a Purpose (DWP) to train and education adults and youth in the fields of maritime archeology while in National Parks.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Since 2008, SRC has partnered with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to capture stunning footage of underwater resources in parks with high resolution and high definition video systems(4k); stereo video systems(3D); and other digital imaging systems.
African Slave Wrecks Project
Slave Wrecks Project
Since 2009, the National Park Service’s Submerged Resources Center has been a principal contributor to the Slave Wrecks Project for technical capacity, training, remote sensing survey—and has provided training opportunities for African and American researchers in the United States.
Our World Underwater Scholarship
Our World Underwater Scholarship
Since 2010, SRC has partnered with the Our World Underwater Society to provide a unique scholarship for one individual to work with scientist in the National Park Service. Typical projects may include underwater archaeology or filming/photography work with the Submerged Resources Center; biological assessments of coral reefs or kelp forests in places like Dry Tortugas National Park or Channel Islands; assistance with training at national training seminars for NPS divers; interpretation and outreach/education with parks like Biscayne National Park; or public safety diving with our law enforcement rangers at numerous parks throughout the system. In addition to fieldwork, the intern may have the opportunity to visit Washington DC to observe first-hand the crafting and implementation of NPS ocean policy and planning.
Marine Imaging Technologies
Marine Imaging Technologies

MITech specializes in underwater optical imaging systems, data acquisition and processing, and expedition consulting for the scientific, commercial, government and documentary communities. IN 2016, MITech and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institue custom build a ROV that penetrated the USS Arizona and gathered imagery, and other scientific data - dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH, oil and microbiological samples.

In a New Light
In a New Light
For the past three years, SRC has provided funding and guidance to the In a New Light Program at Northwest Passage, a thereapuetic community in Wisconsin that provides care for marginalized youth. Recent projects have included trips to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and the Dry Tortugas.

Last updated: May 4, 2018


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