How is the NPS implementing One Health?
With a commitment to protect and preserve natural resource as well as the health and safety of humans, the National Park Service is working to develop integrated programs and messages that communicate the inter-connectedness of the health of all species.
Management Tools
Provide park managers and staff with holistic, ecologically based science guidance for ecosystem, wildlife and visitor health. Understanding the inter-connectedness of animals, humans, and the environment can minimize potential conflicts that may arise between management actions in order to better protect visitor health.
Disease Surveillance
A combined human and wildlife disease detection program is being piloted to detect disease transmission and outbreaks.
Interdisciplinary Response
A team consisting of a physician, a wildlife veterinarian, and an environmental health specialist is available to provide immediate technical expertise and assistance to parks on human and wildlife disease outbreaks.
National parks provide a wealth of subject matter and 'living' laboratories to better understand the health and inter-relatedness of different species. Working with university partners and students allows us to train the next generation of stewards in the process.
Last updated: December 22, 2015