What We Do

The Northeast Archeological Resources Program works in many capacities to help Region 1 parks maintain archeological resources within park units. Learn more about how we conduct surveys, inventory, and advise parks to help manage these important and irreplaceable resources.

NARP and PETE Crew at PETE, Whitehill Plantation 2020

Archeological Survey, Geophysical Survey, Metal Detecting and More!

Archeologist, Grace Bello at PETE, Whitehill Plantation, 2020
Inventory and Evaluation

Cultural Resource Inventory System, Site Condition Monitoring Training, Volunteering and Contacts

link to stewardship page
Stewardship and Policy

Discover the legislation NARP complies with to preserve archeological resources and support NPS parks

national archeology page for NPS
NPS Archeology

Follow this link to the national NPS Archeology Program page

Five archeologists chat about the nearby test unit in front of a large yellow house.
NARP Projects

NARP both heads and assists park in projects of all kinds throughout Region 1. Click this link to learn about our recent projects!

Last updated: August 8, 2022