What We Do

The Tourism Program of the National Park Service coordinates domestic and international engagement with the travel and tourism sector. By participating in industry conferences and meetings, sharing policy updates and news, and providing on-line resources and information for the travel trade, the National Park Service maintains constructive dialogue and engagement with the travel industry. The program also provides NPS staff and partners with data, trends, news, and analysis regarding travel and tourism in order to support collaborative tourism management and planning throughout the agency. The Tourism Program coordinates with a range of NPS offices that engage with tourism management, including park planning, commercial services, communication and public affairs, interpretation, and more.

The NPS Tourism Program supports collaborative management of responsible tourism throughout the agency, across the park system, and with NPS partners. This includes advancing issues such as Indigenous tourism, destination stewardship, and accessible travel. Tourism management in the National Park Service is guided by the policy document Directors Order #17 - Tourism.

Front view of Mount Rushmore with blue skies
Tourism Resources

Digital tools, permit information, tour ideas and more

Bristle cone pine with colorful night sky in Great Basin National Park
Case Studies

Examples of NPS collaborations for successful tourism management

Caribou in green meadow with impressive antlers
Contact Us

Get in touch with the National Tourism Program!

Last updated: January 22, 2025