What We Do

The National Park Service Structural Fire program strives to protect the lives of visitors and employees, as well as the facilities entrusted to its management.

This includes many unique and iconic historic structures as well as the irreplaceable and culturally significant artifacts within each. Structural Fire works closely across all NPS disciplines to develop and provide the resources, training, and leadership needed to prevent and suppress structural fires.

Guiding Program Philosophy

  • Never stop striving to achieve the highest standards of safety and professionalism for our employees, cooperators, and visitors.
  • Offer accurate and consistent leadership and direction for the structural fire program to increase the effectiveness of prevention, operations, and education efforts servicewide.
  • Focus on developing a culture that advocates fire prevention through education.
  • Instill and institutionalize prevention as a priority in the NPS.
  • Realize that many historic, cultural, and natural resources at risk from structural fire are irreplaceable.
  • Educate our employees and park visitors about the mission of the structural fire program and the importance of the resources we protect.
  • Serve and support our parks.


Organizationally, the NPS Structural Fire Program is part of the Visitor and Resource Protection Associateship under the Division of Fire and Aviation Management and works closely with Wildland Fire and Aviation programs.

Last updated: August 11, 2016