![NR Compliance Natural Resources staff hold planning meeting at Rock Creek Park](/orgs/1027/images/RESS_OrgSite_NR_Compliance.jpg?maxwidth=650&autorotate=false)
The Natural Resource Specialist supports parks as both a technical specialist and advisor for natural resource management, science, and policy. The specialist assists parks with analyzing, communicating, and interpreting information on the condition of park natural resources, while advancing an adaptive management approach to park planning. He routinely helps with development and review of park planning documents (including environmental assessments, environmental impact statements, foundation documents, etc.) to ensure policy compliance under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The specialist also coordinates document review by subject matter experts and facilitates collaboration on landscape-scale issues. Finally, the specialist promotes policies embracing the value of urban ecosystems.
Contact 202-339-8300 for more information. If you need assistance from Resource Stewardship and Science (RESS), you may submit a Solution for Technical Assistance Requests (STAR) request online (NPS Only).
- NEPA Review - National Environmental Policy Act review of park projects (ongoing)
- Technical Assistance Requests - Helping parks with technical assistance requests to address natural and cultural resource issues (ongoing)
Last updated: March 21, 2019