Overview: The restoration effort focuses on a captive brood program, which will preserve the genetic integrity of this unique stock while increasing population numbers. Along with this, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's (LEKT) hatchery will also be used to supplement the population during the few years surrounding dam removal. Restoration Strategies: Pre-dam-removal period:
During dam removal: During the dam removal period, activities will continue to focus on genetic conservation using the captive brood program. As sediment yields peak and environmental conditions in the lower river are temporarily unsuitable for spawning, capture of adults will be attempted. Offspring will either be incorporated into the captive brood program or released into the river as fry. No harvests will be directed at Elwha River pink salmon during this period. Post-dam removal: Complete Restoration Plan: This webpage was made possible in part by a grant from Washington’s National Park Fund. |
Last updated: June 7, 2024