What is now Olympic National Park was at one time isolated by geological barriers like the massive glaciers moving through. This changed and influenced the park we know today and what inhabits it. This isolation gave evolution enough time to blockade species to the Olympic Peninsula, giving rise to species that only occur here. These species, which are found only here and nowhere else in the world, are called endemic species. The following animal species are endemic to the Olympic Peninsula: Endemic AnimalsMammalsDestruction Island Shrew - Sorex trowbridgii destructioni AmphibiansOlympic torrent salamander - Rhyacotriton olympicus FishBeardslee trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss beardsleei Invertebrates: Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)Hulbirt's skipper - Hesperia comma olympica Invertebrates: Orthoptera (grasshoppers)Olympic grasshopper - Nisquallia olympica Invertebrates: Coleoptera (beetles)Mann's gazzelle beetle - Nebria danmanni Invertebrates: Diplopoda (millipedes)Leonardesmus injucundus Invertebrates: MollusksKeeled jumping slug - Hemphillia burringtoni Invertebrates: Opiliones (harvestmen)Acuclavella makah ENDEMIC PLANTSOlympic mountain fleabane - Erigeron flettii Updated August 2024
Last updated: August 28, 2024