A cougar suns itself on a bridge along the Boulder Creek trail.
Al Reginato
Cougar, Mountain Lion, or Puma – Puma concolor
If you see a cougar, you are one of the few to have seen this elusive creature! Do not approach, but face the animal, speak firmly, wave your arms and back away. Cougars, also called mountain lions or pumas, range throughout the Olympics. Seldom seen, cougars are large animals, often over 100 pounds, with long rope-like tails. They are usually reddish-tan to gray-brown with black markings on the face and tail tip. Report all cougar sightings to a ranger or submit a Cougar Report Form. The cougar is a potentially dangerous animal, although attacks on humans are rare.
Keep your kids between adults and don't let them run ahead
Keep your pets on leash and don't let them run ahead
Stay aware of your surroundings
If you see a cougar:
Do not approach, especially one that is near a recent prey-kill or has kittens.
Stop, stay calm and do not turn your back. Do not run.
Face the animal, stand upright, talk calmly and firmly to the cougar and give it a way to escape if you can.
Do all you can to appear larger. For example, open your jacket and raise or wave your arms.
Pick up small children or pets immediately so they won't panic, flee, or make rapid movements.
If the cougar becomes more aggressive, become more aggressive toward it. Convince the animal that you are not prey, but a danger to it.
Fight back if attacked.
Cougars are one of the most reclusive, elusive, and stealthily creatures of the forests. Thus, they are rarely seen by people. Usually a tawny-light brownish color, they may also be gray or reddish. They are large cats, statistically the fourth largest of the feline family, behind lions, tigers, and jaguars. Males may weigh up to 150 lbs, while females usually weigh between 75 and 100 lbs.
The cougar prefers habitats with dense underbrush and clear rocky areas for stalking. Cougars of Olympic National Park tend to live in the mountains and forests. The cougar is a very territorial animal and persists at low population densities. Though the cougar population is uncertain, there is definite evidence of their existence. Territorial scratch mounds and tracks can be found on the backcountry trails throughout the park.
Cougars sit, along with black bears, at the top of the food chain. They prey mainly on elk and deer, but may also eat smaller mammals and rodents or even fish.
Role in the Ecosystem:
As an apex, or top, predator, cougars are a vital part of what keeps life in Olympic balanced. Cougars are strict carnivores, generally hunting large game such as deer and elk. The success of these hunts helps to keep the population of these other species from getting out of control. With fewer animals to graze the grasses and browse the trees, our forests and fields are able to grow healthy and lush. In areas where apex predators, like cougars, have been removed, overgrazing of vegetation leads to a variety of issues for the environment. The lack of grasses and woody trees can cause erosion of the forest floor and lack of ample nutrition for wildlife as far too many animals push the limits for food availability.
What's in a Name?:
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, so too do wild cats. While commonly referred to as cougars on the Olympic Peninsula, these cats have a long list of names they are known by. Mountain lions, pumas, panthers, painters, catamounts, and ghost cats are actually all the same animal! Some nicknames, like "Ghost Cat", describe the characteristics of the animal, as they slink silently through the forest while prowling for food. Other names, such as "Mountain Lion", are a bit of a misnomer, as cougars do not live strictly in mountainous areas, nor are they true lions. Compared to the African lion, the American mountain lion does not have a mane, and they cannot even roar!