The Northwest Arctic Heritage Center in Kotzebue loans bear resistant containers certified by the IGBC to visitors free of charge. Please contact our visitor center to arrange a rental by calling (907) 442-3890 or emailing e-mail us .
Please include your name, party #, planned dates of arrival and departure, # of barrels requested, and phone number in your voicemail or email.
Bear barrel reservations are typically taken between the months of June-August but you may reserve them in the shoulder season. For day of requests, bear barrels are loaned on a first come, first serve basis, so it is best to call ahead to check availability and options. Arrangements to pick up/drop off barrels outside of regular operating hours must be made with staff before arriving in Kotzebue. Rentals must be cleaned of food residue and returned to the Northewest Arctic Heritage Center before flying home. Missing barrels must be mailed back or replaced at the cost of individual before the end of October to allow staff to inventory and store barrels at the end of the summer season.
Bear Resistant Food Container options available (Quantities vary):
- 10 L Backpackers Cache (coin turn opening) bear cans ~ 2.5 lbs
- 20 gal steel drum barrels ~ 17.5 lbs
- 30 gal steel drum barrels ~ 28 lbs
- The park also has two large donated metal bear barrels that are heavy, these should be used for groups with a large party that will be out for multiple weeks.
Within the park boundaries, all food (except legally taken game) and beverages, scented items such deodorant and toothpaste, food and beverage containers, garbage, harvested fish, and equipment used to cook or store food are required to be secured and stored in a BRC. Bear resistant containers must be certified by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC)
Bear resistant containers are defined as securable container constructed of a solid, non-pliable material capable of withstanding a minimum of 300 foot-pounds of energy. When secured and under stress, the container will not have any cracks, openings, or hinges that would allow a bear (or other animal) to gain entry by biting or pulling with its claws. To be certified by the IGBC, containers must have undergone testing with captive bears. Check their website for the most up-to-date list of certified products.
Bear resistant containers do not prevent bears from smelling food, just accessing it. Always make sure to store your bear resistant container away from your sleeping area. Bears that associate humans with food can become food-conditioned and seek them out. Preventing bears from becoming food-conditioned by securing food in bear resistant containers (BRCs) can reduce dangerous situations for both humans and bears.
People travelling with planes or inflatable boats can use electric fencing as an additional measure to secure their property in addition to using bear barrels. Park rangers can help you determine if electric fencing is the right option for you and what type of fencing you will need to bring.
Please note that most ice chests and coolers, tents, dry bags or stuff sacks, plastic packing boxes (Totes, Action Packers, etc) and unmodified kayaks are not certified bear resistant containers.