Hampton National Historic Site Dining Room

Dining Room

The Dining Room is furnished to represent Hampton between c. 1810 and 1829 when second master Charles Carnan Ridgely died.

The Governor was said to "keep the best table in America," and the settings seen in the Dining Room reflect his sophisticated taste and wealth.

Seasonally, the Hampton table setting is changed, representing the first course of a sumptuous dinner in winter, with two table cloths and all the plates and service dishes in an orderly, symmetrical pattern. An elegant dessert course is displayed in summer, with cloths removed and an elaborate silver epergne with fruits and sweetmeats displayed in the center of the table. The sideboard features an ostentatious display of family silver at all times.
Hampton National Historic Site Floor Layout Hampton National Historic Site Parlour Hampton National Historic Site Drawing Room Hampton National Historic Site Music Room Hampton National Historic Site Great Hall Hampton National Historic Site Dining Room Hampton National Historic Site Kitchen Hampton National Historic Site Guest Bedchamber Hampton National Historic Site Master Bedchamber Hampton National Historic Site Northeast Bedchamber