
A cluster of Virginia bluebells
Virginia Bluebell

To get a look at the stunning wildflowers found within the park it is best to take a walk along the Ford Loop and Brooks Hill Loop which will take you along floodplains, field edges, fence rows, and mountain hillsides. These trails offer a diverse look at the variety of wildflowers that grow on the battlefield.

To see all the different species of wildflowers, you have to visit the park and walk the trails during every season. Below is a list of the common wildflowers and the months in which they bloom.


Bloodroot, Blue Cohosh, Common Blue Violet, Cut Leaved Toothwort, Dutchman’s Breeches, Dwarf Larkspur, Early Saxifrage, Fleabane, Great Chickweed, Harbinger-of-Spring, Hepatica, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Mayapple, Pale Violet, Periwinkle, Short’s Rockcress, Rue-Anemone, Solomon’s Seal, Spring Beauty, Spring Cress, Squirrel Corn, Showy Orchis, Virginia Bluebell, Wild Ginger, Yellow Corydalis, Yellow Trout Lily, Yellow Violet


Clayton’s Bedstraw, Common Buttercup, Common Nightshade, Golden Ragwort, Kidney-leaf Buttercup, Puttyroot Orchid, Ramps, Speedwell, St. John’s-wort, Sweet Cicely, Virginia Waterleaf


Beechdrops, Black Cohosh, Black-Eyed Susan, Boneset, Dodder Vine, Evening Primrose, Hog-Peanut, Honewort, Late Purple Aster, Mistflower, Small White Morning Glory, Sunflower, Tall Agrimony, Tickseed, Touch-Me-Not, Virgin’s Bower, White Vervian, White Wood Aster

Last updated: June 9, 2020

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