Weapons and Wildlife Protection

36 CFR 2.4 Weapons, Traps, and Nets

(a)(1) The following are prohibited:

(iii) Using a weapon, trap or net.

A weapon means a firearm, compressed gas or spring-powered pistol or rifle, bow and arrow, crossbow, blowgun, speargun, hand-thrown spear, slingshot, irritant gas device, explosive device, or any other implement designed to discharge missiles, and includes a weapon the possession of which is prohibited under the laws of the State in which the park area or portion thereof is located.

36 CFR 2.2 Wildlife Protection

(a) The following are prohibited:

(1) The taking of wildlife.

(2) The feeding, touching, teasing, frightening or intentional disturbing of wildlife nesting, breeding or other activities.

(3) Posessing unlawfully taken wildlife or portions thereof.

Wildlife means any member of the animal kingdom and includes a part, product, egg or offspring thereof, or the dead body or part thereof, except fish.

Sign: U.S. Boundary marker

Maryland DNR Hunting Guidebook

Existing National Park Service (NPS) regulations prohibit hunting and trapping on identified NPS properties. The NPS has informed the State of Maryland that this regulation will be enforced for that portion of the Monocacy River lying within the boundaries of the Monocacy National Battlefield in Frederick County. The boundaries of the park will be marked on both shores by green and white signs (see example at right). Map of Monocacy National Battlefield where hunting is prohibited.

Last updated: June 8, 2020

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4632 Araby Church Road
Frederick, MD 21704


301 662-3515
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