
ASL Information about Monarch Butterflies

National Mall and Memorial Parks


Brittany-Hello! You may have seen butterflies with bright orange, white, and black markings and recognized them as the iconic Monarch Butterfly [photo of Monarch butterfly]. Today, I’d like to invite Ron Popowski with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to provide more information! Ron- Monarchs are known for their phenomenal spring and fall migrations. They travel across North America to and from wintering sites. In eastern North America, monarchs travel north in the spring, from Mexico to Canada, and reverse the trip in the fall. The trip is so far for butterflies that it takes multiple generations to complete. *Each generation completes one leg of the journey. But monarchs face many threats that are resulting in the decline of populations. Scientists study this migration by tagging butterflies, which can also help predict population sizes of the following generations [photo of tagged Monarch]. What can you do to help? Planting native plants, especially milkweed, provides the Monarch butterflies with a food source and a place to lay eggs [video of Monarchs on Baccharis]. You can also reduce your use of pesticides and get involved in local citizen science projects to help the Monarchs! *We need your help! [video of tagged monarch group].


Monarch butterflies fascinating and beautiful, and are seen on the National Mall during the spring and fall migrations! We worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to create this fun video that everyone can enjoy.

Find out how you can help these wonderful creatures in this video.


2 minutes, 10 seconds

Date Created


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