Air Born
Air Born Passages by Margaret Murie (1902-2003) Presidential Medal of Freedom Laureate & Conservationist At last, the wide sky, the wide land, broken and bare, but stretching far to the limitless blue sky of Wyoming. Room to breathe, to stretch ones soul’s wings again, here the big country still is always a joy to come back. To find it still big, still stretching away, meeting and passing startling buttes which rise here and there, and dry water courses, drift fences, once in a while a ranch house and corrals nestling under cottonwoods and willows in one of those water courses. Once in a while, a few cattle, a band of antelope in the sage, and some horses galloping with the wind. A great bird and piece of golden sky can give one peace. Watch him as he soars and dips a graceful pattern with no self-consciousness. (music and scenery) There before a golden curtain, the mind loosed and emptied of all edged and clattering thoughts goes freely, floating out to meet the bird. We need such communion. We need to remember. We are still animals. Text: Almost three-hundred bird species rely on Grand Teton National Park for places to next, find nourishment, raise their young or as a safe migration corridor.
View Grand Teton National Park from a bird's perspective flying overhead while listening to Mardy Murie's description of this beautiful place.
3 minutes, 3 seconds
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