
Ecological Restoration: Part 2

Mount Rainier National Park


Ecological Restoration Part 2 TRANSCRIPT

I’m Evan Hayduck. I’m the crew lead here at the greenhouse. This is the transplanting process here.

We’re taking the seeds that were sowed about a month ago, teasing them into individual plants and putting them individually into pots.

There’s forty-nine pots per flat, and we’re doing about eighty-five thousand plants this year.

So, those will go into the greenhouse for about a week to let them get a start on life and then we’ll take them outside and keep them watered and look for any fungus or bugs that might be growing on them. Just general maintenance after that.


Native seeds planted at the Mount Rainier Greenhouse in early spring are now established and ready to be transferred from flats to individual pots. Evan Hayduk, Greenhouse Crew Lead, describes the transplanting process.

Where do the greenhouse plants go from here? Look for Part 3!


1 minute, 21 seconds


NPS, Kristyn Loving

Date Created


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