
Intern and Volunteer Orientation (Homestretch, 2013)

Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area


[Music over NPS arrowhead and Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area logos. Music over title image.] JULIA BELK (in front of entrance sign): Welcome, newbies! Yes, you! Congratulations! You’re the new interns at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. As veterans, we’re here to give you some helpful tips to help you start your summer off right. [Music over shot of crew walking in woods, then over “TOP 10 TIPS” title.] JULIA BELK (in forest): Here it is, ladies and gentlemen! The top 10 tips to get your summer off right. [Music over “TIP 10: THE PARK HAS MANY DIVISIONS!” title.] JULIA BELK (in Hewlett Lodge, two uniformed male park employees talking behind her): Know that the CHAT has many different divisions: that’s fees, maintenance, and LE (which is Law Enforcement for you newbies.) But don’t worry, they’re all rangers. [Music over “TIP 9: PAY ATTENTION IN TRAINING!” title.] JOSHUA BELK (standing next to wall-mounted automated external defibrillator): Number nine, training. So some of the things you need to know about training is first aid and CPR. Make sure you pay attention during this training because it will be very helpful. But you’ll be trained and trained and trained and trained. Trust me, you’ll be trained. You’ll be good. [Music over “TIP 8: HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE” title.] JOSHUA BELK (standing with JULIA, flanked by flag and podium in Hewlett Lodge): The job might seem a little difficult, just make sure you keep a positive attitude, make sure you’re working well with others, and, you know, just keep a good smile on your face. JULIA BELK: Do your best to set good leadership skills for you and everyone else around you. [Music over “TIP 7: WEAR SUNSCREEN AND BUG SPRAY!” title.] JULIA BELK (standing outside Hewlett Lodge with JOSHUA): Number 7, always wear sunscreen when you’re out here—unless you want to be burned alive! JOSHUA BELK: Remember, you want to put bug spray on. Sunscreen and bug spray. Just like that. Rub it in, start your day. [Music over “TIP 6: HYDRATE!” title.] JOSHUA AND JULIA BELK (standing in front of boat ramp at Island Ford): Number 6: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! JOSHUA BELK: Remember, out here, you want to keep—you want to keep your bottle full. It gets really hot. JULIA BELK: You can be out here for hours working out in the sun, so make sure you always bring it with you. [Music over “TIP 5: WALK FAST!” title.] JOSHUA BELK (turns from jogging through forest with JULIA): Number 5: learn to walk fast with Dave Thomas! JULIA BELK: This is serious! Get those legs in shape! [Music over “TIP 4: LEARN TO RECOGNIZE POISON IVY” title.] JOSHUA BELK (voice over shot of poison ivy on tree): Vines that are hairy—very scary. Poison ivy, all up this tree. JULIA BELK (voice over same shot): And leaves of three, let them be. JOSHUA BELK (voice over same shot continuing): It’s all around the park, so make sure you look out for it. But yeah, just make sure every day after work, if you know that you’ve been around it, you want to rub some Tecnu on it. This is what it looks like. It doesn’t smell bad so that’s good, and this will be your new best friend through the course of your job, right here. [Music over “TIP 3: DON’T MESS WITH THE ANIMALS AND THEY WON’T MESS WITH YOU” title.] JOSHUA BELK (in front of Chattahoochee River NRA display with JULIA with posters of lizards and snakes behind them): So in the national park you’re going to come across a lot of animals, so just make sure that you know that this is their home. Just be a polite guest, don’t mess with the animals and they won’t mess with you. [Music over “TIP 2: CHECK FOR TICKS” title.] JOSHUA BELK (in woods with JULIA): Check for ticks, don’t be lazy. Lyme Disease will make you crazy! [Music over “TIP 1: PREPARE TO MAKE LIFELONG FRIENDS” title.] JOSHUA BELK (in woods with JULIA): Number one. JULIA BELK: Be prepared to form lifelong bonds. [Music over video of crew walking through forest. TAYLOR RHODES (standing with group in forest): Welcome workers. WHOLE GROUP: It’s tool time! MARJORIE THOMAS (in forest with group): OK guys, let’s have our safety briefing for the day. Taylor, let’s start with you. What do you want to say? TAYLOR RHODES: OK. Make sure that when you’re out here, you look out for poisonous plants such as poison ivy. If you are allergic to any type of insects, such as bees or wasps, make sure you have your epi pen at all times. Also, don’t wear fragrances such as perfume and body spray, body mist because you know they’re always attracted to you. I don’t know if you can see the bugs flying around me right now, but they won’t stop. JOSHUA BELK: Another thing you want to be conscious of is no running or horseplay on the trails. Because this is like a job, so you want to take it seriously. And because we don’t want anyone to get hurt. VICTORIA RHODES: Wear gloves at all times so you don’t get blisters from the tools. JAMES RHODES: When you are walking in the woods and working, always bring a snack, because you’ll be tired. You know, some goldfish or something. And make sure you have all your stuff, like the bag, water, hand sanitizer, safety glasses, so you don’t want to walk all the way back to the car because you’ll be like tired. JULIA BELK: When you’re out working on your work site, you always have to bring water with you at all times because you can get dehydrated quickly from the intense work sometimes. [Music over shot of crew walking through woods and “THE SHOVEL” title.] Voice off screen over shot of JAMES RHODES shoveling, VICTORIA RHODES behind him: James! JAMES RHODES [spinning around, throwing shovelful of dirt on VICTORIA RHODES and almost hitting her with the shovel]: Yo! VICTORIA RHODES: Whoaa! That’s not how you use a shovel, James! Let me show you the right way! When you have a shovel and you’re digging, do not put the shovel up and swing it around. This is how you hold a shovel. If somebody calls your name, put it to your side. [Music over “THE MCLEOD” title.] JAMES RHODES [walking past TAYLOR RHODES] What up, girl? TAYLOR RHODES: What is that, James? JAMES RHODES: What? TAYLOR RHODES: What is this in your hand? JAMES RHODES: Oh. [laughs] It’s a bootleg tool. TAYLOR RHODES: You’re supposed to say, ‘A Mcleod.’” TAYLOR RHODES: This is called a Mcleod, and this is how you hold it. Now I’m going to demonstrate how you properly use a Mcleod. Whenever you’re not using a Mcleod, throw it—place it down like that. I’m going to take my backpack off. Now, most times you can use the edge of the Mcleod to like draw a small section of your work, and then you hold one hand sort of mid at the handle and the other hand at the top and you scrape it very lightly. [Music over “THE LOPPERS” title.] JAMES RHODES: Oh, it’s not working! JULIA BELK [offscreen] Stop! That’s not how you use the loppers! JAMES RHODES: Oh. How do you do it? Like right here? JULIA BELK: No. This is an invasive species, so this is one of the plant species we use the lopper to cut down. You want to use it at the very back so it’ll be easier because it’s a wider branch instead of a smaller plant. See how like it’s kind of sticking up sort of? Away from the ground? We kind of want to get it towards the dirt but don’t cut into the dirt. And cut it. [points with gloved hand] You want to get it as far down towards the ground as possible. [Music over shot of crew walking away and “WORDS OF WISDOM” title.] JULIA BELK: This is a job, so remember to set a good example. JOSHUA BELK: And remember, out in the field, sometimes it gets kind of hard, you know, the job might seem a little bit difficult. But just make sure you keep a positive attitude, make sure you work well with others, and you know, just keep a good smile on your face. [Music over photo and “FEATURING JOSHUA AND JULIA BELK” title.] KRISTEN SIEMBIEDA (off screen): Say the number. JULIA BELK: Five? JOSHUA BELK: I don’t know, is it number five? JULIA BELK: It’s five. [Music over photo and “JUSTIN PEMBERTON, TAYLOR, VICTORIA, AND JAMES RHODES” title.] KRISTEN SIEMBIEDA (off screen, talking over TAYLOR RHODES, who is inaudible): And this will be the first one. TAYLOR RHODES: Welcome workers. ALL: It’s tool time! (All laugh.) TAYLOR RHODES: You don’t even have a grip, you’re supposed to have a grip like this, it’s called a Mcleod. JAMES RHODES: It’s called a bootleg tool. Don’t ever get this tool, don’t got no handle or nothing. [Music over music credits and NPS logo.]


This video features students from the 2013 Homestretch crew offering tips for new volunteers and interns at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area.


9 minutes, 23 seconds



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Last updated: June 8, 2020