
Ask a Ranger! May 8, 2020

Minute Man National Historical Park


1. [1:55 – 6:22] How many cannons did the British and Colonials have on April 19, 1775?

2. [6:24 – 23:27] What is the difference between a “privateer” and a “pirate?”

3. [23:30 – 29:20] What was the dating scene like in Concord in 1775? Where would a dashing young Minute Man go to meet the ladies?

4. [29:56 – 41:49] The militia system in Massachusetts went back to the 1630 charter which required them to be formed. Did the use of alarm riders and minute companies also date back to those days, or were they improvements that were added on over the years?

5. [42:01 – 44:15] How many and what kinds of firelocks does the museum have and do any relate to April 19th? Are there any of the ‘bird guns’ from the 19th in the collection?

6. [44:16 – 47:11] What is the difference between British and French muskets?

7. [47:12 – 49:50] Were rifles used during the American Revolution?

8. [49:51 – 52:20] Can you describe the volunteer program at Minute Man and what’s involved with it?


53 minutes, 6 seconds


Jim Hollister

Date Created


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