
Children's Activity: 19th Century Game - Annie Over

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park


[audio description] Against a black backdrop the National Park Service Arrowhead logo stands above the words Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. Against a dark gray backdrop are the words the 157th Commemoration of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain Children's Activity: 19th Century Game - Annie Over.

Hello and welcome to Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. My name is Ranger Amanda and today I’m with my other park friends to show you our kids’ activity, our children's activity, for our Battle Anniversary events. Today we're going to learn about Annie Annie Over. Now Annie Annie Over is a game that kids have been playing for over a hundred years. So they were definitely playing it during the 1800s. They would actually have had a small outbuilding, corn crib or something like that. Today we are using a minivan with a tarp on it. So, you guys can use your imagination. All you need to do is not be able to see the other team on the other side and to be able to throw a ball over that obstacle.

So how do you play Annie Annie Over? Well, you have to have two teams. So, you split your teams in half. Put one side on one side of our minivan and then the other team goes to the other side. From there what you're going to do is you're going to toss a ball over the minivan and say any “Annie Over” as you toss the ball. Now the other team if they catch it, they can actually come around and tag you by throwing the ball at you and then you will go to the other side of the team. Now if they do not catch the ball and it drops to the ground, they pick it up yell “Annie Annie Over,” toss the ball back over, and it goes back and forth just like that. The object of the game is to have everybody on one side and whoever has all the players on one side ends up winning the game. So here we go. Hopefully you'll enjoy it and, as much as we do. So have a great one and here we are, we're going to set up our teams!

(player 1) Annie Annie Over!

(opposite side player 1) Annie Annie Over!

(opposite side player 2) Fling!

(player 2) Oh!

(player 1) So, are we going longer?

(player 1) Aaawww!

(player 1) Annie Annie Over!

(opposite side player 2) Annie Annie Over!

(player 1) Aahh!

(player 1) Annie Annie Over

(opposite side player 2) Annie Annie Over!

(opposite player 1) Aahh!


(player 1) Annie Annie Over!

(opposite player 1) Annie Annie Over!

(player 1) Aaaahhhh!

(opposite player 2) Oh!

(player 2) Did he get ya?

(opposite player 1) Whoo…Whoo!

(player 1) I said no.

(player 1) Annie Annie Over!

(opposite player 2) Annie Annie Over!

(player 1) Annie Annie Over!


[opposite player 2] Annie Annie Over!

[opposite player 1] Aaahh!

(player 1) [giggles]

(opposite player 1) [laughs]

(player 1) Can we do it again?

(opposite player 2) We are victorious!

(Ranger) Well as you can see Annie Annie Over is good at any time, regardless if you're a child in the 1800s or in 2021. And it doesn't matter what age you are. This is definitely a family event that can make it lots and lots of fun. We hope you've enjoyed your time here at Kennesaw Mountain. We look forward to you being part of our Anniversary event online this year and hopefully in person next year. With that I hope to have you join us again soon and take care. Bye!

[audio description] Against a dark gray backdrop are the words Thank You for joining us for the 157th Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. For more programs please like and subscribe to our social media sites.


[Sat 1:00 pm ET] During the 19th Century, children enjoyed coming up with games and playing with friends just as children do during the 21st century. One game that children would play would be the game of Annie Over. Even with limited resources, children during the 19th century knew they only needed a few items to have a fun time. Join Ranger Amanda and her park friends as they demonstrate this unique game.


4 minutes, 43 seconds


NPS/ A. Corman

Date Created


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