
Xiomáro photo exhibit Video 2

Morristown National Historical Park


Hey I'm Xiomáro! And I want to tell you a little bit about the photograph that you're looking at. It's of the Wick House. I took it in June of 2020, if I got the year right. It was early in the morning, that I know. It was about 9:30. Uh, a lot of strong sunshine as you can see from the, uh, shadows on the shutters and also, uh, along the fencing. And so that sunlight really gave, uh, a nice punch to the colors. But what was interesting was that I went back another day when it was overcast and the house looked completely different to me. I'm mean it still looked good and beautiful but the colors looked off. In fact, they were so different that I actually wondered whether there was a technical problem with the original picture that I too but there was no technical problem what happened was I was experiencing this phenomenon that, uh, even artists like Claude Monet, the French impressionist, that he experienced back in his day um, he painted, you probably know, he painted over 24 paintings of just haystacks that's all they were they were from a similar viewpoint and yet they all looked very different from each other because he recognized that different times of day, different lighting conditions, different seasons all that has an effect on how light reflects off of objects. And how we perceive it and they could look really, really different. So, what's interesting about Jockey Hollow, and Morristown National Historical Park in general is that there is a lot to photograph, if you come here because you can never get a definitive shot. You could take a picture of a structure like the Wick House or the landscape, you could come another day even in the same season and it will look completely different.


Artist in Residence Xiomáro describes his process for taking photos at Morristown National Historical Park.


1 minute, 41 seconds



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