Canal Development Timeline

Lowell Canal System Development: 1796 - 1848

Lowell Canal System Development: 1796 - 1848

1796 - Pawtucket Canal is constructed to provide transportation of goods around Pawtucket Falls on the Merrimack River.

1823 - Merrimack Canal, Guard Locks, Swamp Locks, and Lower Locks constructed to provide control and power to Merrimack Mills.

1828 - Hamilton Canal and Lowell Canal constructed providing power to Hamilton-Appleton Mill and Lowell Manufacturing Company.

1836 - Western and Eastern Canal constructed providing power to Lawrence Mills (Western Canal) and Boott Mills (Eastern Canal).

1848 - Pawtucket Gatehouse, Northern Canal and Moody Street Feeder (underground canal) are constructed completing construction and providing additional power to the Mills.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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