2025 Park Specific Stipulations - Western Arctic Parklands
Cape Krusenstern National Monument
Kobuk Valley National Park
Noatak National Preserve
(These Stipulations do not apply to Bering Land Bridge National Preserve)
171 3rd Avenue - P.O. Box 1029 - Kotzebue, AK 99752 - 907-442-3890 phone - 907-442-8316 fax
The following specific provisions (in addition to the National and Regional Conditions of the Authorization), are applicable to those commercial activities and areas authorized through a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA):
1. A $100 per year management fee will be applied for use of one or more units of Western Arctic National Parkland.
2. Commercial activities are limited to a maximum party size of ten (10) persons, including CUA holders’ employees, unless authorized by the Superintendent.
3. CUA holders shall inform clients about traditional hunting practices in the park, preserve and monument and the importance of respecting these local traditions utilizing educational materials provided by the NPS.
4. Do not interfere with people engaged in subsistence activities. Do not disturb camps, allotments and/or subsistence gear.
5. Archeological, Cultural and Paleontological resources, including human remains, are protected under the Archeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA) and Paleontological Resource Protection Act (PRPA). Disturbing, defacing and unpermitted excavation or removal is illegal.
a. If human remains are encountered, do not disturb them. If possible, note the location with GPS coordinates or on a map. Contact WEAR at (907) 442-3890 as soon as possible.
6. Except in case of emergency, the use of ranger patrol cabins or other shelter cabins in support of commercial activities is prohibited.
7. The CUA holder must take adequate precautions to prevent wildlife (especially bears) from associating humans with food, pursuant to the Superintendent’s Compendium and Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 2.10(d).
8. The CUA holder must remove all trash and garbage generated by their activities within the park.
9. Permanent or semi-permanent camps are not allowed. All camp improvements must be dismantled and removed after each client.
10. Dead wood on the ground may be used for campfires. Except in the case of life threatening emergency, no wood may be cut from living plants.
11. Holder is prohibited from dropping off or picking up non-Federally qualified subsistence caribou hunters within the Restricted Commercial Use Area in the western Noatak National Preserve in accordance with attached map prior to September 22nd, unless otherwise authorized by the Superintendent.
12. Each CUA holder’s clients/groups present in the park units at the same time must be at least five miles apart from each other and attempt to stay five miles from other transporter camps.
13. Utilization of landing areas or airstrips is at the pilot’s discretion. No improvements to or enlargements of existing landing sites and gravel bars are allowed. The construction of new landing areas is prohibited.
14. When transporting hazardous materials, the CUA holder will use a USDOT approved container and packaging and follow the hazmat guidelines for safe handling, transportation and storage. The CUA holder must carry a spill kit onboard each aircraft that includes absorbent pads, a shovel and doubled plastic bags to remove and transport contaminated material when transporting hazardous material.
15. Loading or unloading passengers or cargo from aircraft must be done only when engine(s) are completely shut down. "Hot loading" or "hot unloading" of passengers or cargo is prohibited.
16. Further to Interior Region 11 Reporting Condition #15, Air Taxi operators, Big Game Transporters, and Incidental Hunt Transporters must include GPS coordinates for the drop off and pick up locations of clients, equipment, and each species harvested (if applicable). GPS coordinates must be accurate to within ¼ mile of the actual landing location. The holder must report all transportation, including transportation provided to hunters, their equipment or game. Big Game Transporters must also enter corresponding State of Alaska Big Game Commercial Services Board Transporter Activity Report numbers in the Visitor Use Reporting system.
17. Further to Interior Region 11 Reporting Condition #15, all licensed Big Game Transporters must submit copies of their State of Alaska Big Game Commercial Services Board Transporter Activity Reports (TARs). GPS coordinates, accurate to within ¼ mile of the actual landing location, must be included on each TAR. Reports must be submitted to akr_activityreports@nps.gov on or before November 15th.
18. Aircraft incidents and accidents must be reported immediately to the NPS.

Last updated: October 10, 2024