2025 Park Specific Stipulations
Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
P.O. Box 517 - Skagway, AK 99840 - 907-983-9200 phone
The following specific provisions (in addition to the National and Regional Conditions of the Authorization), are applicable to those commercial activities and areas authorized through a Commercial Use Authorization (CUA). Certain approved activities carry activity specific stipulations in addition to the general stipulations. It is the responsibility of the operator to be familiar with and comply with all stipulations applicable to their permitted activity and operating location.
GENERAL STIPULATIONS: The following provisions are applicable to all CUA holders (Holder):
Day tour operators (holders engaged in operating tours more than 30 days total each season) and their guide employees shall attend an annual orientation session, conducted by park staff, at the beginning of the annual tour season. Tour operators will be notified of the date, time and location of the orientation session at least 30 days in advance.
Guided trips, except Dyea Historic Town site walking tours, are limited to a party size of 12, including guides. There must be at least one guide per trip.
Each guide shall have the following current and accredited CPR and first aid qualifications as a minimum:
i. American Red Cross or American Heart Association CPR or accredited equivalent.
ii. American Red Cross Standard First Aid or accredited equivalent.
Guides must be equipped with a basic first aid kit appropriately sized for the group.
Further to Alaska Region CUA Condition #10, personal injuries requiring more than basic first aid must be reported to the Chief Ranger, or Superintendent in the Chief’s absence, within 24 hours or as soon as practicable following the incident.
Food service and/or consumption beyond light snacks, except for Chilkoot Trail Backpacking, are restricted to day use areas near the Dyea Campground. Food must not be left unattended unless properly secured from bears or other wildlife.
In accordance with State law, Holder shall not intentionally feed wildlife or negligently leave human food, pet food, or garbage in a manner that attracts wildlife at or around staging area, or any other location, inside of the park legislative boundaries. See 5 AAC 92.230.
All natural and cultural objects and features are protected; Holders shall require their guides to warn clients near the start of each trip against damaging, picking or collecting at any time.
Ground fires are permitted only in Dyea Campground in rings provided for that purpose.
Holder shall report all encounters and incidents with bears to NPS in as timely a manner as circumstances will allow. Barring extenuating circumstances, encounters shall be reported to the NPS within 24 hours, and incidents within one to three hours. For the purposes of this section, an incident includes any sighting that involves a bear exhibiting conditioned, habituated, or aggressive behavior toward humans, property damage, or a bear obtaining food from human sources. NPS Report forms will be provided to holders during the annual pre-season orientation meeting.
This Authorization is valid for business operations within the Dyea and Chilkoot Trail Unit only (i.e. does not authorize business operations within the Skagway and White Pass Units) in Klondike Gold Rush NHP.
All guided tours shall remain on the established and maintained trails, as designated for each activity type.
Permit holders shall instruct their guides to yield the trail or path to other hikers when their group is stopped in a location which might otherwise block passage by other visitors.
The NPS arrowhead, its likeness, the words National Park Service, NPS or the park name must not be used for the purpose of commercial gain or to secure a competitive advantage in the conduct of a permitted activity. This restriction includes but is not limited to signs and vehicle banners.
Holders are prohibited from using NPS administered lands for launching and retrieving watercraft without prior approval from the Superintendent. This includes temporary use of the Dyea Campground and other areas of the park for the convenience of the holder.
Vehicles are only permitted on established roadways.
ACTIVITY SPECIFIC STIPULATIONS: The following provisions are applicable to the specific type of commercial use activity:
Guided Overnight Backpacking (Chilkoot Trail)
Business operations are subject to campground and camp space capacities and, if travelling into Canada, daily entry restrictions at the Chilkoot Pass imposed by Parks Canada. Campground spaces are reserved in advance through the joint USNPS/Parks Canada trail reservation system; reservation requests are processed in the order received and this CUA does not provide for priority consideration.
Incidental use of the Dyea Campground on the night preceding the start of a guided trip on the Chilkoot Trail is permissible subject to availability of space, which may not be reserved in advance, and which use is subject to the usual recreation use fees payable on- site at the time of use.
Holders shall obtain trail permits, backpack tags, and a trail orientation for each of their clients at the Chilkoot Trail Center before the group starts on the trail. Holders shall provide Trail Center staff the following information:
a. Proposed itinerary (start date, campgrounds to be used, exit date), and
b. Verification of first aid qualifications for each guide, and
c. Number, names, and nationality of people in the group, and
d. Names of guides.
NOTE: The NPS CUA applies to commercial backpack guide service on US side of the Chilkoot Trail; operators must contact Parks Canada for a similar permit on that portion of the trail within Canada.
Guided Hiking – Walking Tours (Chilkoot Trail, Historic Townsite of Dyea)
Walking tours are limited to day hikes on the Chilkoot Trail or day hikes on the established and maintained trails, designated on the attached map, within the Historic Townsite of Dyea.
Walking tours within the Historic Townsite of Dyea must not exceed a client to guide ratio of fifteen clients to one guide. The total group size must not exceed 32 including guides. Multiple tour groups offered by any one, or multiple, permit holders shall have staggered starts of at least 30 minute intervals.
Walking Tours (Skagway Historic District)
Consistent with municipal restrictions, only existing businesses authorized by the Municipality of Skagway to lead walking tours in the Skagway Historic District will be eligible to apply for a CUA. Tour size for Skagway Historic District walking tours is limited to 20 persons including guides. Permitted guides are authorized to lead clients on the following two defined areas of NPS owned properties:
Between the 6th Street boardwalk north of the Peniel Mission along the walk adjacent to the Mission building south to the alley between 5th and 6th Streets. Guides shall advise clients to respect the privacy of occupants housed in the Mission building when traversing the property.
On the grass lawn immediately surrounding the NPS crib structures on the alley between 5th and 6th Streets. Guided tours are not authorized to cross the lawns behind Frye-Bruhn Cold Storage Building or surrounding the Moore House buildings.
Guided Bicycle Tours: (for the Dyea Area of the park)
The following safety equipment will be provided by the Holder for each trip:
a. Bicycle safety helmets (1 for each client and guide), and
b. Brightly colored outer-wear or vest (1 for each client and guide), and
c. Bicycles, with all major components maintained in functional condition.
Bicycles are only permitted on established roadways and “hardened” trails within the Historic Townsite of Dyea as provided for on the attached map. Bicycle guides shall require clients to walk their bikes across all bridges and boardwalks within the Historic Townsite of Dyea and must yield to pedestrians when present. Bicycles are not permitted to cross directly through Nelson Slough irrespective of the presence of mud or water. Bicycle tours are not permitted on the Chilkoot Trail.

Last updated: October 25, 2024