![]() Apply for funding from the Outdoor Foundation. We have programs on biology, geology, history and Trail of Tears that meet the Alabama Courses of Study for the 4th grade. If you would like to schedule a field trip to our park and/or discuss potential funding, please contact the park at 1-256-845-9605.
The Every Kid in a Park campaign is part of the National Park Service's Centennial. Fourth graders can earn passes for their entire family to go to a National Park by going online: https://everyKidinaPark.gov/
Funding Opportunity to get 4th Graders Outside
The Outdoor Foundation and Outdoor Industry Association wants you to know about an exciting and truly unique funding opportunity that they are launching in celebration of the National Park Service Centennial and the Every Kid in a Park campaign. This campaign will help fund local projects through Crowdrise, an online platform that connects funders from the outdoor industry and other sectors with specific park experience projects. The Outdoor Foundation will award $100 to the first 100 projects that populate the fundraising site. (Offer limited to one per school and the minimum fund raising goal must be $200).
Who is Eligible?
* Only schools and nonprofits
* The park experience must engage 4th graders
* The park experience must happen at a federally managed park
* All funds should be used for direct park experience expenses
How it Works
Schools and nonprofits working with 4th graders register and create their campaign profile. You will describe your park experience project and your fundraising need. This process takes about 10 minutes.
How to Register your Project
1. Go to https://www.crowdrise.com/EveryKidinaPark/
2. Click on: Start Your Fundraiser
3. Setup your profile and be sure to name your project/team name in this format: School Name/City/State
4. Complete registration by answering all required questions
5. Follow the link to your campaign page and enter the date of your park experience and provide the description that will appear online
6. Keep scrolling down the page to set your fundraising goal and upload pictures
Share your link with your friends, community members and any potential funders. The Outdoor Foundation and Outdoor Industry Association will be promoting your project too.
I'm Registered, now what?
In preparation for your park visit, go to the website: https//EveryKidinaPark.gov to learn more about the initiative and download free park passes. Once your fundraising goal is met, you will be prompted to submit a few verification documents to the Outdoor Foundation. The Foundation will release funds within 30 days of receiving the information.
Become a Junior Ranger today! The National Park Service Junior Ranger program is an activity based program to help kids of all ages to learn more about the park and how to protect the plants and animals that live there. The Junior Ranger motto is to "Explore, Learn, and Protect" park resources. When you complete the booklet, you will raise your right hand and take an oath to pledge to protect the park, explore the park and continue learning even more about the plants and animals that live there. You will then be given the Junior Ranger Badge and Certificate. Junior Rangers are typically between the ages of 5 to 13, although people of all ages can participate. |
Last updated: December 14, 2018