Schedule a visit to the Klondike Gold Rush in Seattle!

Five children and an adult explore the interior of a historic store.


What will your students discover?

People around the world were drawn to Seattle as the first stop on a remarkable adventure that was destined to change their lives forever. A field trip to Klondike - Seattle will introduce your students to the Seattle of the gold rush era, and will challenge them to answer what they'd be willing to do for a chance at finding riches.

What You Can Expect

About an hour program from start to finish.

An introductory video, a second video highlighting Seattle's Gold Rush past, and a scavenger hunt designed to get your students thinking about just what they would do when faced with the choice of either going to the frozen Canadian Yukon or staying to try their luck in the metropolis of Seattle.

children look at exhibits and write on paper while an adult stands by


After visiting the park, students are able to:

  • Describe the people, places, and events associated with the Klondike Gold Rush with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly (CCSS.ELA-SL,1.4).
  • Paraphrase information presented about Seattle’s role in the Klondike Gold Rush (CCSS.ELA-SL,4.2).
  • Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. (CCSS.ELA-SL, 3.2, 4.2 & 5.2).
  • Apply understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision-making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies as it relates to the Klondike Gold Rush (EALR 2: Economics).
  • Understands and applies knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals, and themes of the Klondike Gold Rush in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and future. (EALR 2: History).

Scheduling Your Field Trip

Please fill out this form to schedule at least two weeks in advance.

Last updated: January 15, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

319 Second Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98104


206 220-4240

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