On May 13, 1607 three English ships the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery with approximately 144 settlers and sailors, will land and plant the first permanent English colony in North America. Established by the Virginia Company of London this settlement would be called Jamestown, after king James I. On June 15, 1607 the fleet commander Captain Christopher Newport will return to England leaving 104 settlers. Taken from "The Proceedings - of the English Colony in Virginia since their First beginning form England in the Year of Our Lord 1606 till this Present 1612, with All their Accidents that befell them in their Journeys and Discoveries" the following is a list of the names of those known 104 settlers.
Adling (or Adding), Henry - Gentleman
Alicock (or Alikock), Jeremy (or Jerome) - Gentleman - died August 14, 1607
Archer, Gabriel - Captain, Gentleman - died Winter 1609-1610
Asbie, John - died August 6, 1607
Beast (or Best), Benjamin - Gentleman - died September 5, 1607
Behothland (or Behethand, Beheland), Robert - Gentleman - died 1628
Brinto (or Brinton), Edward - Mason, Soldier
Brookes, Edward - Gentleman - died April 7, 1607
Brookes, John - Gentleman
Browne, Edward - Gentleman - died August 15, 1607
Brunfield, James - Boy
Bruster (or Brewster), William - Gentleman - died August 10, 1607
Capper, John
Cassen (or Cawsen), George - Laborer - died December 1607
Cassen, Thomas - Laborer
Cassen, William - Laborer
Clovill, Ustis (or Eustace) - Gentleman - died June 7, 1607
Collier, Samuel - Boy - died 1622
Cooke, Roger - Gentleman
Cooper (or Cowper), Thomas - Barber
Crofts, Richard - Gentleman
Dixon, Richard - Gentleman
Dods, John - Laborer, Soldier
Emry, Thomas - Carpenter - died December 1607
Fenton, Robert - Gentleman
Flower (or Flowre), George - Gentleman - died August 9, 1607
Ford, Robert - Gentleman
Frith, Richard - Gentleman
Galthrope (or Halthrop, Calthrop), Stephen - Gentleman - died August 15, 1607
Garret, William - Bricklayer
Golding (or Goulding), George - Laborer
Gosnold (or Gosnoll), Anthony, (Cousin) - Gentleman - died January 7, 1609
Gosnold (or Gosnoll), Anthony, (Cousin) - Gentleman
Gosnold (or Gosnoll), Bartholomew - Captain, Councilor - died August 16, 1607
Gower (or Gore), Thomas - Gentleman - died August 16, 1607
Harrington, Edward - Gentleman - died August 24, 1607
Herd, John - Bricklayer
Houlgrave, Nicholas - Gentleman
Hunt, Robert - Master, Preacher, Gentleman - died before 1609
Jacob, Thomas - Sergeant - died September 4, 1607
Johnson, William - Laborer
Kendall, George - Captain, Councilor - died December 1, 1607
Kingston (or Kiniston), Ellis - Gentleman - died September 18, 1607
Laxton (or Laxon), William - Carpenter
Laydon, John - Laborer, Carpenter
Loue (or Love), William - Tailor, Soldier
Martin, John, (Senior), Captain, Councilor - died June 1632
Martin, John, (Junior), Gentleman - died August 18, 1607
Martin, George - Gentleman
Midwinter, Francis - Gentleman - died August 14, 1607
Morish (or Morris), Edward - Gentleman, Corporal - died August 14, 1607
Morton, Matthew - Sailor
Mounslie, Thomas - Laborer - died August 17, 1607
Mouton, Thomas - Gentleman - died September 19, 1607
Mutton, Richard - Boy
Peacock (or Peacocke, Pecock), Nathaniel - Boy
Penington, Robert - Gentleman - died August 18, 1607
Percy (or Percie, Percye), George - Master, Gentleman - died 1632
Pickhouse (or Piggas), Drue - Gentleman - died August 19, 1607
Posing (or Pising), Edward - Carpenter
Powell, Nathaniel - Gentleman - died March 22, 1622
Profit, Jonas - Fisherman
Ratcliffe (or Sicklemore), John - Captain, Councilor - died November 1609
Read, James - Blacksmith, Soldier - died March 13, 1622
Robinson, John (or Jehu) - Gentleman - died December 1607
Rods (or Rodes, Roods), William - Laborer - died August 27, 1607
Sands, Thomas - Gentleman
Short, John - Gentleman
Short, Edward - Laborer - died August 1607
Simons, Richard - Gentleman - died September 18, 1607
Skot (or Scot), Nicholas - Drummer
Small, Robert - Carpenter
Smethes, William - Gentleman
Smith (or Smyth), John - Captain, Councilor - died June 1631
Snarsbrough, Francis - Gentleman
Stevenson, John - Gentleman
Studley (or Stoodie), Thomas - Gentleman - died August 28, 1607
Tankard, William - Gentleman
Tavin (or Tauin), Henry - Laborer
Throgmorton (or Throgmortine), Kellam (or Kenelme) - Gentleman - died August 26, 1607
Todkill, Anas - Soldier
Vnger (or Unger), William - Laborer
Waller (or Waler), John - Gentleman - died August 24, 1607
Walker, George - Gentleman
Webbe, Thomas - Gentleman
White, William - Laborer
Wilkinson, William - Surgeon
Wingfield, Edward Maria - Master, Councilor President - died 1613
Wotton, Thomas - Gentleman, Surgeon, - died April 28, 1638
"With diverse others to the number of 105"
Mariners and others known to have been with the expedition that established Jamestown on May 13, 1607.
Browne, Oliver - Mariner
Clarke, Charles - Mariner
Collson (or Cotson), John - Mariner
Crookdeck, John - Mariner
Deale, Jeremy - Mariner
Fitch, Mathew - Mariner - died July 1609
Genoway, Richard - Mariner
Godword, Thomas - Mariner
Jackson, Robert - Mariner
Markham, Robert - Mariner
Nelson, Francys - Captain - died Winter 1612-1613
Poole, Jonas - Mariner - died 1612
Skynner, Thomas - Mariner
Turnbrydge (or Turbridge), Thomas - Mariner
Newport, Christopher - Captain, Councilor - died 1617
Tyndall, Robert - Mariner, Gunner
White, Benjamyn - Mariner
There were 144 persons in the expedition including those 104 who remained in Virginia.