Indiana Dunes National Park has entered into a two-year contract with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) on March 24, 2008. The USGS will implement a study, “Ground- and Surface-Water Levels Relative to Wetland-Restoration Activities in and North of the Great Marsh at Beverly Shores, Indiana.” This study will help map water-table elevations in Beverly Shores intradunal wetland and in the Great Marsh. Collection of water-level data will help indicate whether intradunal depression-focused recharge is a contributor to water-table altitude in the dune-beach complex beneath the Beverly Shores residential area. The USGS will work cooperatively with the Town of Beverly Shores and resource managers at Indiana Dunes National Park to identify, locate, and establish observation wells for measurement of ground-water levels, as well as, gathering information and data essential to the study. For questions or additional information regarding this study, contact Botanist Dan Mason (219) 395-1553. |
Last updated: February 26, 2020