Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Artist-in-Residence Program Application

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore is seeking artists for the Artist-in-Residence program. The park is located in Northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan’s southern shores. Participation in the program provides the artist and the general public an opportunity for experiencing one of the nation’s most ecologically diverse parks.

The program will offer a two week residency in June, July, August, or September to three visual artists this year. A panel of working artists and national lakeshore staff review all applications and will select the artist for residency.




City, State, and Zip:


2nd Phone:



Residency Dates (Example: 01/00/2018 - 01/14/2018):

Alternate Dates (Example: 01/00/2018 - 01/14/2018):

Do you want your CD/DVD/disc or USB drive returned? (circle one)
YES-postage paid mailer enclosed

***IMPORTANT: Applications must be postmarked by March 24, 2018 and received by April 1, 2018.


Please submit the following materials as a hard copy (paper) unless otherwise noted.

□ Completed application
□ Resume; not more than 2 pages
□ Residency mission statement on a separate sheet answering these questions: (please use each question as a topic header)
- Why do you want to be an artist-in-resident at Indiana Dunes?
- What do you expect to accomplish during your residency?
- What would you do for park visitors? Describe your presentation, exhibit, workshop or other ideas.
- A brief biography of your art experience.
□ 8 digital image files, per instructions (digital – CD, DVD, or USB drive)
□ Self-addressed mailer with postage for return of your CD, DVD, or USB drive and jury notification, if desired.
□ Send applications to:

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
1100 N. Mineral Springs Road
Porter, IN 46304 (Attn: Jeff Manuszak

***No Application material accepted via internet, fax or phone***


Visual artist in any medium: Artist will provide a framed piece of art prepared for hanging at the end or within 60 days of the residency completion.

Artist will give a public presentation, exhibit, workshop, or other approved public interaction (2-4 hours). Staff will support logistical support. The interaction can be tailored to an individual’s medium, interest, and experience.


CD, DVD, or USB drive text files must be readable by Windows XP. Image files will be viewed using Adobe Photoshop CS. Acceptable file formats are; bmp, gif, jpeg (jpg) Photoshop PDF, png, tiff (tif). Images should be at the highest picture quality / resolution as possible. Images submitted not meeting file format and quality will not be viewed by reviewing committee.


The selection committee is made up of regional art professionals and national lakeshore staff. Artists will be notified in mid May if they are selected.


Housing at the national lakeshore consists of a lightly furnished house for the length of the residency. The house is fully equipped with kitchen appliances, utensils, bedroom furniture, lamps, and related house wares.

There is no stipend. The artist must provide their own food, bed linen, personal gear, and art supplies. Artists are also responsible for all travel costs and arrangements. Pets are not permitted.


Artist will supply one framed piece of art, prepared for hanging, from their work during the residency to the
National Park Service collection within 60 days of completion of residency.

• The artist retains a royalty-free, nonexclusive use license under the copyright of the art.

• The National Park Service owns the artwork and the rights to reproduce it. Under those rights, the artist has a license to make use of the artwork for his or her purposes. When artists reproduce artwork for their own purposes, publication information will include the language: “This artwork was produced under the Artist-in-Residence Program at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.”

Artist will generate and submit a creative daily journal of their activities while on residency. This journal will be used to help the public get a glimpse of the artist thoughts, perceptions, and working methods. The journal will serve as living journal and kept in the residency for the following artist to add to. Eventually this will be included into the gallery.

Artist will provide/supply all materials and equipment needed to create/develop final artwork.

Artist will supply a short description/bio for the web.

Artist will supply a picture of themselves working as the artist-in-resident. Staff photographer can assist with this if needed.

Finally, the artist will conduct an exit interview with the Artist-in-Resident Coordinator.

Last updated: December 20, 2017

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1100 North Mineral Springs Road
Porter, IN 46304


219 395-1882
Indiana Dunes Visitor Center phone number.

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