Welcome to the Southern Plains Network

The Southern Plains Inventory & Monitoring Network encompasses 11 national park units across the immense grassland landscapes of southeastern Colorado, central Kansas, northeastern New Mexico, most of Oklahoma, and a large swath of Texas.

One of 32 Inventory and Monitoring networks across the country, we gather and analyze information on specific park natural resources—the plants, animals, and ecosystems that can indicate the overall biological health of southern plains parks. The information we collect helps parks make sound, science-based management decisions that help us preserve these special places. 

A stone building in a grassy area covered in morning fog at Fort Larned National Historic Site.
Our Parks

Our parks were founded for varying reasons, but for each, natural resources play a vital role in their past, present, and future.

Two scientists looking at plants near a measuring tape and one scientist sitting with a notebook..
Our Science

Our ecologists use a variety of methods to inventory and monitor vegetation, water, climate, and certain mammals.

Last updated: July 31, 2024