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Most often, national park gateways are made up of entry stations and signage. They serve the important function of being the visitor's first point of contact with the park.

During the 1920s and 1930s gateways were designed to be simple and inexpensive; yet, dignified, and at home on the landscape. They exhibited regional materials in their construction, projecting a sense of the natural environment which lay beyond the entry station. Because they were considered to be both a physical control point and a transitional element, gateways were used to introduce the park's architectural theme -- a recognizable feature that could be associated with each park. The theme was then echoed elsewhere to achieve consistency within the built environment.

Images link you to more details about these GATEWAYS!

YELL Entrance Station
Northeast Entry Station, Yellowstone National Park.

SEKI Entrance Sign
Ash Mountain Entrance Sign, Sequoia National Park.

MORA Entrance Gate
Nisqually Entrance Gate, Mt. Rainier National Park.

GRCA Train Depot
Grand Canyon Depot, Grand Canyon National Park.

Zion Entrance Sign
Entrance Sign, Zion National Park.

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