1 Kaiser, Harvey H. Landmarks in the Landscape: Historic Architecture in the National Parks of the West. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 1997. 148-149.
2 Ibid., 113.
3 Ibid., 41.
4 Ibid., 217.
5 Ibid., 185.
Transportation Systems
6 Kaiser, 43.
7 Carr, Ethan. Wilderness by Design: Landscape Architecture and the National Park Service. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1998. 186.
8 Giamberdine, Richard and Terry Goodrich. Road Character Guidelines, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. National Park Service, Denver Service Center. April 1990. 7-9.
9 Ibid., 7-9.
10 Kaiser, 191.
11 Ibid., 191.
Information Centers
12 Kaiser, 149-152.
13 Ibid., 149-151.
14 Ibid., 149-151.
15 Ibid., 189.
16 Ibid., 227.
17 Ibid., 220-221.
18 Ibid., 227-228.
Hotels & Lodges
19 Kaiser, 246-253.
20 Ibid., 246-253.
21 Ibid., 97-100.
22 Ibid., 47-50.
23 Ibid., 47-50.
24 Ibid., 49.
25 Ibid., 49.
26 Ibid., 235.
27 Ibid., 230-237.
28 Ibid., 139-142.
29 Ibid., 141.
Support Facilities
30 Kaiser, 43-47.
31 Ibid., 50.
32 Ibid., 43-47.
33 Ibid., 50-53.
34 Ibid., 225.
35 Ibid., 225. |