![]() Date of Manufacture: 3/16/2001 Description: Small scale replica of a traditional octopus lure comprised of a coffee bean sinker made of vesicular basalt, Tiger cowrie, shell hook, ti leaves and hau cordage. Dimensions: L 21.5 cm, W 4.2 cm Catalog Number: HALE 206 Leho he‘eThe leho he‘e (octopus lure) is a bone hook attached to a wooden shaft, cowry shell, and stone sinker. The leho he‘e was made for fishing in deeper waters and was used to catch octopus. The cowry shell for the leho he‘e was selected with great care. There are four varieties of cowry shell; and each cowry was used at different periods of the day. The ahi cowry lure was used in the morning before sunrise, the ‘olupalaha and pauhu cowry lure was used after the sun rose, and the kupa cowry lure was used towards noon. The leho he‘e pictured here was made by a Haleakalā National park ranger, and is on display at the Kīpahulu Visitor Center.![]() Date of Manufacture: 2017 Description: Makau (Fishhook); ‘ōhi‘a lehua and cow bone hook, wax cordage HALE 197 MakauTraditionally, makau (fishhooks) are made of bone, shell and wood, varying in size and shape depending on the type of fishing they are to be used for. Local artist and master carver Kenneth Hiraoka was commissioned by Haleakalā National Park to make a reproduction of a makau that was found in the Haleakalā wilderness during a 1962 archeological survey. The original object may have been left behind as an offering.Pictured below are fishhooks made by park staff exhibited at our Kīpahulu Visitor Center. Large hooks were used for sea bottom fishing at depths of 10-30 fathoms (60-180 ft). In the Kīpahulu area, fishing with a hook and line occurred more often than fishing with spears, nets or traps. ![]()
Last updated: December 23, 2019