North Shore Place Names

Ojibwe Place Names of the Grand Portage Traditional Territory

Prior to European settlement, Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) people moved around an area according to seasons and available resources. Some of the place names, like Zhigaagomizhiikaani-ziibi (Abundant Wild Onion/Leeks River) tell about what kind of food might be found at a location. This map shows places within this traditional territory and surrounding region. Many of today's place names retain their original Ojibwe meaning.
Map showing rivers and other features along part of Lake Superior's north shore with their Oijibwe and common names.
North Shore Ojibwe Place Names

NPS Graphic derived from a map designed by Morgan Swingen of the 1854 Treaty Authority

Click on the map for a downloadable copy. Numbers correspond to river names in the table below.

View the original interactive map.
Read an in-depth discussion and some stories about these names.


Ziibiwan (Rivers)

Click on the Ojibwe names in the table to see how they are pronounced.

Ojibwe Name English Translation English Name
1 Gaa-ministigweyaag Place That Flows To Islands River Kaministiquia River
2 Omiimii-ziibi Pigeon River Pigeon River
3 Mashkiigwagamaa-ziibi Cranberry Marsh Lake River Reservation River
4 Gaa-bibigwewanashkokaag-ziibi Place of Abundant Flute Reeds River Flute Reed River
5 Wiisaakode-ziibi Burnt Wood or Brule River Brule River
6 Manidoo-bimaadagaakowinii-ziibi Spirits Going Along on the Ice River Devil Track River
7 Oginiikaan-ziibi Abundant Rose Hips River Fall River
8 Gaa-giishkingwe–ziiibi Place of Cut Face River Cascade River
9 Gaa-maanazaadikaa-ziibi Place of Abundant Balsam Poplar River Poplar River
10 Zhigaagomizhiikaani-ziibi Abundant Wild Onion/Leeks River Onion River
11 Gaa-wiimbashk-ziibi Place of Hollow Reeds River Temperance River
12 Ina'oonaani-ziibi Bestowing River Cross River
13 Niizhwagwindeg-ziibi Two Islands Floating River Two Island River
14 Adiko-ziibi Caribou River Caribou River
15 Gaa-gichiwaaniniwangaag-ziibi Place of a Great Round Sandy Shore Little Manitou River
16 Manidoowiishiwi-ziibi Spirit Lair River Manitou River
17 Waaginokaming-ziibi Domed Earth River Little Marais River
18 Asin-badakide-ziibi Standing Rock River Baptism River
19 Gaa-giizhikensikaag-ziibi Place of Abundant Little Cedars River Beaver River
20 Contradictions in historical record of original Ojibwe name Split Rock River
21 Zhaaboominikaani-ziibi Gooseberry River Gooseberry River
22 Gaa-gaagaagiwaabiko-ziibi Place of the Iron Raven River Crow Creek


Nations and Towns

Ojibwe Name English Translation English Name
Gichi-onigamiing Great Carrying Place Grand Portage
Animikii Wajiw Thunder Mountain Fort William First Nation
Gichi-mookomaan-aki Land of the Long Knives United States
Zhaaganaashiiwaki Land of the English Canada
Gaa-bibigwewanashkokaag Place of Abundant Flute Reeds Hovland
Nishkwaakwaansing At the Edge of the Forest Chippewa City
Gichi-biitoobiig Great Parallel Waters Grand Marais
Gaa-nishike-pikwadinaag Place of the Lone Hill Tofte
Gaa-giizhikensikaag Place of Abundant Little Cedars Beaver Bay
Aerial view of part of Isle Royale.
Aerial view of the northeast end of Minong (Isle Royale).

NPS photo

Gichi-gami and Natural Features

Ojibwe Name English Translation English Name
Adikamegosii-zaaga’igan Whitefish Lake Whitefish Lake
Zaaganagaans-zaaga’igan unclear literal meaning Saganaga Lake
Gaa-edawi-ojijiwan zaaga'igan Place Where Water Flows on Both Sides Brule Lake
Gichi-gami Great Water Lake Superior
Animikii-wiikwed Thunder Bay Thunder Bay
Gaa-miskwaataawangag-wiikwed Place of Red Sand Bay Deronda Bay
Wiikwedoons Little Bay Horseshoe Bay
Minong Good Place Isle Royale
Ozaagaateng Place Where the Light Shines Outward Washington Harbor
Ginoozhekaan Abundant Northern Pike McCargoe Cove
Zhooniyaa Wajiw Silver Mountain Silver Mountain

Wenabozho ominisan (Apostle Islands)

The name for all of the islands in Ojibwe is Wenabozho ominisan*. This translates to a possessive relationship between the cultural hero Wenabozho and his ownership of the islands since he is the one that made them.

Wenabozho ominisan are outside the traditional territory of the Grand Portage Band and are included in this list because they are on the map.

Hear the names of Wenabozho ominisan.

Last updated: January 2, 2025

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Grand Portage, MN 55605


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