NPS PHOTO Eastern Gray Tree Frog (Hyla versicolor) This frog’s scientific name, Hyla versicolor (think versatile color) is very indicative of its behavioral adaptation to change color from bright green to grayish brown in seconds for protective purposes. Individuals have dark markings on their backs and white, unmarked bodies. In addition to this, a bright orange or yellow patch is hidden on the insides of their thighs which can only be viewed when the legs are extended. The eastern gray tree frog is known for its ability to scale most surfaces with the help of their sticky toe pads that secrete mucous. These frogs prefer wooded habitats, tend to hide in crevices during the day, and come out to feed on insects and other invertebrates at night. One of the most interesting facts about this frog is its ability to freeze parts of its body for days at a time in the winter. This is accomplished through the use of cryoprotectants or “antifreeze” proteins to avoid freezing of essential organs. In the spring and summer they breed and fill the trees with their hearty resonating trill. The requested video is no longer available.
Last updated: June 21, 2019