Endurance Swim and Endurance Run Requirements

Please be advised the Surf-Lifeguard Preemployment Test is required yearly of all seeking to join the Gateway National Recreation Area surf-lifeguard staff.

To pass the endurance-run and -swim parts of the required Surf-Lifeguard Preemployment Test, you will need—at the slowest—to maintain this pace:


Distance In Less Than

100 yards 1:40 min.

200 yards 3:20 min.

300 yards 5:00 min.

400 yards 6:40 min.

500 yards 8:20 min.

600 yards 10:00 min.


Distance In Less Than

¼ mi. 2:00 min.

½ mi. 4:00 min.

¾ mi. 6:00 min.

1 mi. 8:00 min.

1¼ mi. 10:00 min.

1½ mi. 12:00 min

It is highly advisable for you to seek the professional opinion of a medical doctor before undertaking rigorous physical training in preparation for the required test.

We hope the above information will be helpful to you if you decide to attempt to join our surf-lifeguard staff.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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Staten Island, NY 10305


718 354-4606

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