
A few months ago, I would have not guessed that I would have been in the place I am today. I was invited to participate in the Teacher-Ranger-Teacher program (TRT) at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (JBWR). When I accepted the offer, I did not know what to expect. Now a new world has opened for me professionally and personally and it has broadened my horizons. I have enjoyed every moment as a TRT at the refuge.

I would like to take time to thank Jeanette Parker, Chief of Interpretation and Education, for considering me for the TRT position. Assistant Chief of Education Kathy Krause, and Acting Supervisory Park Ranger Julia Clebsch both took me under their wings and guided me to where I am today – both of you thanks very much. To all the GNRA staff who allowed me to tag along during their tours and adventures, my heart is filled with gratitude – many thanks.

As a TRT at JBWR, I have gained many new friends and been exposed to many new things. I am sure I will not be letting go of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge because my time has ended as a TRT. I will be planning school trips and visiting it personally in the near future.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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