Great Kills Park Marina Frequently Asked Questions

What is the status of the electrical work/repairs at Great Kills Marina?

NPS is taking actions to address electrical issues at the Marina and has awarded a contract for the repair of the electrical issues. The electrical cable required to undertake the project is expected to arrive within 10-14 days. Once the electrical cable is delivered, the project is expected to be complete within one week.

Who is the selected operator?

Moonbeam Leasing & Management LLC was selected as the new operator.

Who is Moonbeam Leasing & Management LLC?

Moonbeam Leasing & Management LLC (Moonbeam) currently operates the Gateway Marina in the Jamaica Bay Unit of GATE. They commenced operations in May 2018 and have begun undertaking various projects to improve the overall appearance of and services provided at the Marina.

Moonbeam is an expert inreal estate services and investment management. Moonbeam provides the following services including: Investment Sales & Due Diligence Leasing Property Management; Transitional & On-going Construction Management Financial Management & Analysis Development.

How was Moonbeam selected?

The park issued a Request for Propsoals (RFP) for the marina which opened February 15, 2019. Submissions were due May 1, 2019. NPS received proposals in response to the RFP.

The selection was made by a panel based in the Northeast Regional Office. Gateway National Recreation Area did not participate in the selection process.

The selection was based on an evaluation of how well the proposal met criteria required by 36 CFR 18.8:

  • The compatiblity of the proposal's intended use of the leased property with respect to preservation, protection, and visitor enjoyment of the park;
  • The financial capability of the offeror to carry out the terms of the lease;
  • The experience of the offeror demonstrating the managerial capability to carry out the terms of the lease;
  • The abillity and commitment of the offeror to conducts its activities in the park area in an environmentally enhancing manner, through, among other programs and actions, energy conservation, waste reduction, and recycling; and
  • Any other criteria the RFP may specify.

How is Moonbeam qualified to manage and operate marinas?

Moonbeam's senior management staff have managed multiple marinas for over 25 years.

How will NPS manage the transition to a new operator?

The current contract requires the current operator to work closely with the new operator once a new legal authorization is awarded.

NPS will work with the current and selected operators as well as the boating communtiy to ensure a seamelss transition.

The current and selected operators have met and begun discussions regarding the transition.

What are the future plans for the Great Kills Marina?

Moonbeam has issued the following statement: “Many exciting improvements and upgrades are in the works, both for immediate and future implementation. Moonbeam is already putting together a fun meet-and-greet to get to know boaters, introduce ourselves and our friendly staff, review planned operational improvements and facility upgrades, and answer questions.”

When will Moonbeam begin operating the Marina?

The current operator is authorized through December 31, 2019. Moonbeam is expected to commence operations January 1, 2020.

What is the status of the lease negotiation with Moonbeam?

NPS and Moonbeam will begin lease negotiations now that the selection has been made and announced. The lease will not be considered to have been awarded until the lease has been negotiated and signed by all parties.

The current legal instrument governing operations at the Great Kills Marina will expire in December 2019. NPS expects to have a new legal authorization in place prior to expiration of the current contract.

Will Moonbeam honor the 2019-2020 winter storage contract issued by the current operator?

Moonbeam will be required to honor all boat storage contracts in effect at the time of transition. Moonbeam has issued the following statement: “We want to assure every boater that a smooth transition will take place so as not to affect any current operations, and affirm that Moonbeam will honor all winter storage contracts with no price increases. “

Will the summer 2020 slip rental rates change?

Moonbeam has indicated there will not be any increase in summer 2020 slip rental rates.

Last updated: September 20, 2019

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718 354-4606

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