Battle Detail

Petersburg I

Other Name:
Old Men and Young Boys
Richmond-Petersburg Campaign
June-December 1864
Principal Commanders:
Brigadier General Quincy Gillmore [US] Brigadier General Pierre Beauregard [CS]
Forces Engaged:
7000 total (US 4500; CS 2500;)
Estimated Casualties:
0 total (US 0; CS 0;)
On June 9, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Butler dispatched about 4,500 cavalry and infantry against the 2,500 Confederate defenders of Petersburg. While Butler's infantry demonstrated against the outer line of entrenchments east of Petersburg, Kautz's cavalry division attempted to enter the city from the south via the Jerusalem Plank Road but was repulsed by Home Guards. Afterwards, Butler withdrew. This was called the "battle of old men and young boys" by local residents. On June 14-17, the Army of the Potomac crossed the James River and began moving towards Petersburg to support and renew Butler's assaults.
Confederate Victory
CWSAC Reference #:
Preservation Priority: