Battle Detail

Sutherland's Station

Other Name:
Appomatox Campaign
March-April 1865
Principal Commanders:
Major General Nelson Miles [US] Major General Henry Heth [CS]
Forces Engaged:
0 total (US 0; CS 0;)
Estimated Casualties:
966 total (US 366; CS 600;)
Union columns converged on Petersburg on April 2. part Mile's force struck north from White Oak Road meeting elements of four Confederate brigades (Cooke, Scales, MacRae, McGowan) attempting to defend the South Side Railroad. The Confedeerates placed their left flank on Ocran Methodist Church, where it was overun by three Union brigades commanded by Miles. The Confederate defenders were scattered and driven northwestward. With this victory, the Federals possessed the South Side Railroad, Gen. Robert E. Lee's last supply line into Petersburg.
Union Victory
CWSAC Reference #:
Preservation Priority: