Battle Detail


Other Name:
Ft. Lamar, James Island
Operations Against Charleston
June 1862
Principal Commanders:
Brigadier General Henry Benham [US] Brigadier General Nathan Evans [CS]
Forces Engaged:
8600 total (US 6600; CS 2000;)
Estimated Casualties:
887 total (US 683; CS 204;)
Early June 1862, Maj. Gen. David Hunter transported Horatio G. Wright's and Isaac I. Stevens's Union divisions under immediate direction of Brig. Gen. Henry Benham to James Island where they entrenched at Grimball's Landing near the southern flank of the Confederate defenses. On June 16, contrary to Hunter's orders, Benham launched an unsuccessful frontal assault against Fort Lamar at Secessionville. Because Benham was said to have disobeyed orders, Hunter relieved him of command.
Confederate Victory
CWSAC Reference #:
Preservation Priority: