Battle Detail

Buffington Island

Other Name:
St. Georges Creek
Morgan's Raid in Kentucky Indiana and Ohio
July 1863
Principal Commanders:
Brigadier General Edward Hobson [US] Brigadier General John Morgan [CS]
Forces Engaged:
4700 total (US 3000; CS 1700;)
Estimated Casualties:
925 total (US 25; CS 900;)
On July 13, Morgan's raiders crossed into Ohio at Harrison, pursued by several columns of Union cavalry under overall direction of Brig. Gen. Edward H. Hobson. On July 19, Kautz's and Judah's brigades attacked Morgan near Buffington Island. During the night, Morgan and about 400 men escaped encirclement by following a narrow woods path. The rest of his force surrendered.
Union Victory
CWSAC Reference #:
Preservation Priority: