1st Regiment, Rhode Island Cavalry
- Overview:
Organized at Pawtucket as 1st New England Cavalry,
afterwards designated 1st Rhode Island Cavalry, December 14,
1861, to March 3, 1862. Left State for Washington, D. C., March
12 and 14, 1862. Attached to Stoneman's Cavalry Command, Army of
the Potomac, March, 1862. Hatch's Cavalry Brigade, Banks' 5th
Corps, and Dept. of the Shenandoah, to May, 1862. Shields'
Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock (3rd Battalion); Geary's
Command, Dept. of the Rnppahannock (1st Battalion), to June,
1862. Bayard's Cavalry Brigade, 3rd Corps, Army of Virginia, to
September, 1862. Stoneman's Corps of Observation to December,
1862. Averill's Cavalry Brigade, Centre Grand Division, Army of
the Potomac, to February, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division,
Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to January, 1864. Cavalry Brigade,
Camp Stoneman, 22nd Army Corps, to May, 1864. Abercrombie's
Command, Belle Plains, Va., to June, 1864. Reserve Brigade, 1st
Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1864.
Headquarters Cavalry Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, Middle
Military Division, to October, 1864. 3rd (Reserve) Brigade, 1st
Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Shenandoah, to March, 1865.
Cavalry Brigade, Army Shenandoah, to June, 1865. Middle Dept. to
August, 1865.
- Service:
- Duty in the Defences of Washington, D. C., till April,
1862. Moved to Warrenton Junction, Va., April 4. Reconnoissance
to Rappahannock River April 16 (3rd Battalion). Warrenton
Junction April 16. Reconnoissance to Liberty Church April 16.
Occupation of Mt. Jackson April 17 (4 Cos.). Reconnoissance to
Rappahannock Crossing April 18 (4 Cos.). Advance to Front Royal
May 29. Front Royal May 30 (3rd Battalion). Strasburg June 1.
Columbia Bridge April 2. Edenburg June 3. Miller's Bridge June
4. New Market June 5. Harrisonburg June 6. Cross Keys June 8. Port Republic and Mountain Road
June 9. Scouting on the Rappahannock till August.
Reconnoissance to James City July 22-24. Rapidan River August
3-4. Slaughter River August 7. Robinson's River August 8.
Battle of Cedar Mountain
August 9. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August
16-September 2. Stevensburg, Raccoon Ford and Brandy Station
August 20. Fords of the Rappahannock August 21-23. Catlett's
Station August 22. Rappahannock Station August 23. New
Baltimore August 27. Gainesville August 28. Bull Run August 30.
Centreville, Chantilly and Germantown August 31. Chantilly September 1. White's
Ford September 15 and October 12. Advance to Falmouth, Va.,
October 27. Mountsville October 31 (Cos. "K," "L" and "M").
Hazel Run November 16. Battle of Fredericksburg
December 12-15 (Cos. "K" and "M"). Expedition to Richards and
Ellis Fords December 29-30. Hartwood Church February 25, 1863.
Kelly's Ford March 17.
Chancellorsville Campaign
April 27-May 8. Stoneman's Raid April 29-May 8. Kelly's Ford
April 29. Rapidan Station May 1. Ellis Ford May 4.
Stevensburg, Beverly Ford and Brandy Station June 9. Near Middleburg and
Thoroughfare Gap June 17. Aldie June 18 and
27. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Scouting and outpost duty on Upper Potomac
till September. Advance from Rapidan to the Rappahannock
September 13-17. Culpeper Court House September 13. Rapidan
Station September 15. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Near
Warrenton October 12. White Sulphur Springs, Culpeper, October
12-18. Auburn and Bristoe
Station October 14. Brentsville October 14. Mine Run Campaign
November 26-December 2. New Hope Church
November 27. Duty in the Defences of Washington till May, 1864.
(3rd Battalion transferred to 1st New Hampshire Cavalry January
5, 1864.) Regiment reported to Gen. Abercrombie at Belle Plain,
Va., May 14. Picket duty at Port Conway and Port Royal May
24-30. Bowling Green May 29. Demonstration north of the James
July 27-29. Deep Bottom July 27-28. Malvern Hill July 28. Sheridan's Shenandoah
Valley Campaign August 7-November 28. Shepherdstown August
25-26. Kearneysville August 25. Smithfield August 29. Battle
of Opequon,
Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill and Milford
September 21-22. Brown's Gap September 24. Waynesboro September
29. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Raid to Gordonsville December 8-28. Jack's
Shop, near Gordonsville, December 23. Consolidated to a
Battalion of 4 Companies January 1, 1865. Sheridan's Raid from
Winchester February 27-March 3. Waynesboro March 2. Guard
prisoners from Waynesboro to Winchester March 3-8. Duty in the
Shenandoah Valley till June 22. At Monrovia Station and Relay
House, Md., till August. Mustered out at Baltimore, Md., August
3, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 16 Enlisted men killed
and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 77 Enlisted men by
disease. Total 96.
- Soldiers:
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