Organized at Kansas City April 1863, from 11th Kansas Infrantry. Attached to District of the Border and District of Kansas, Dept. of Missouri, till February, 1865. District of Upper Arkansas to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to April, 1865. District of the Plains, Dept. of Missouri, to September, 1865.
Assigned to duty on eastern border of Kansas till October, 1864. Expedition from Salem to Mulberry Creek, Kansas, AUgust 8-11, 1863 (Detachment). Scout on Republican River, Kansas, August 19-24, 1863 (Detachment). Operations against Quantrell on his raid into Kansas August 20-38. Independence, Mo., August 25. (Cos. "C" and "F" duty on Southern border of Kansas December, 1863, to August, 1864.) Company "L" stationed at Fort Riley; Company "G" at Fort Leavenworth as body guard to General Curtis. Action at Scott's Ford, Mo., October 14, 1863. Deep Water Creek, Mo., October 15. Expedition into Missouri June 16-20, 1864. Scout from Salem to Mulberry Creek August 8-11 (Detachment.) Operations against Indians in Nebraska August 11-November 28 (1 Co.). Operations against Price in Missouri and Kansas. Lexington October 19. Little Blue October 21. Independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Cold Water Grove October 24. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, October 25. Regiment ordered to Fort Riley December, 1864. Companies "C" and "E" to Fort Larned February, 1865. Regiment moved to Fort Kearney, Neb., February 20-March 4, thence moved to Fort Laramie March 6-April 9, and to Platte Bridge. Duty guarding telegraph lines and operating against Indians till June. Sage Creek, Dakota Ter., April 21. Deer Creek May 21. Platte Bridge, Dakota Ter., June 3. Companies "A," "B," "E," "F," "L" and "M" moved to Fort Halleck June 11-24. Protect stage route from Camp Collins, Colorado, to Green River till August 13. White River, Dakota Ter., June 17. Rock Creek July 1. Fort Halleck July 4 and 26. Moved to Kansas and mustered out September 26, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 61 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 110 Enlisted men by disease. Total 173.
Predecessor unit: 11th Regiment, Kansas Infantry
Organized at Camp Lyon near Fort Leavenworth August 29 to September 14, 1862. Moved to Fort Scott, Kan., October 4-9, 1862, thence to Pea Ridge, Ark., October 15-19. Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Rolla, Dept. Missouri and District of Kansas, Dept. Missouri, to April, 1863.
Action at Old Fort Wayne or Beattie’s Prairie, near Maysville, October 22, 1862. Cane Hill, Boston Mountains, November 28. Boston Mountains December 4-6. Reed’s Mountain December 6. Battle of Prairie Grove December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren December 27-31. Moved to Springfield, Mo., January, 1863, and duty there till February 17. Moved to Forsyth, Mo., thence to Fort Scott, Kan. On furlough March. Moved from Fort Scott to Salem, Mo., thence to Kansas City, Mo., April 6-20. Regiment mounted and designation changed to 11th Kansas Cavalry April, 1863, which see.