Battle Unit Details


19th Regiment, Texas Infantry

The 19th Infantry regiment was assembled and accepted into Confederate service at San Augustine, Texas, in May, 1862. Many of its members were raised at Mt. Vernon, Jefferson, and Carthage, and in Rusk County. The unit was attached to Flournoy's, Waterhouse's, and Scurry's Brigade, Trans-Mississippi Department, and fought in Louisiana and Arkansas.
It lost 2 killed, 11 wounded, and 6 missing at Milliken's Bend, was active in the operations against Banks' Red River Campaign, and participated in the fight at Jenkins' Ferry. Later Company K was detached to Marshall, Texas, for guard duty, and the remaining companies disbanded before the surrender in June, 1865.
The field officers were Colonels Ennis W. Taylor and Richard Waterhouse, Jr., Lieutenant Colonels William L. Crawford and Robert H. Graham; and Major Augustus C. Allen.
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