Battle Unit Details


15th Consolidated Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry

15th (Stewart's-Logwood's) Cavalry Regiment [also called 2nd Organization or 15th Consolidated] was assembled at Oxford, Mississippi, in February, 1864. It was organized by consolidating part of the 15th (Steewart's) Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Street's Mississippi Cavalry Battalion, and the 16th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment. The unit served in R.V. Richardson's and E.W. Rucker's Brigade, skirmished in Mississippi and Georgia, then returned to Mississippi and fought at Harrisburg. Later it moved to Tennessee and saw action at Memphis, Franklin, and Nashville. Only 75 men came back from Hood's operations, and in February, 1865, the regiment was ordered to Alabama where it surrendered in May. The field officers were Colonels Thomas H. Logwood and Francis M. Stewart, and Major Solomon G. Street.
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