Battle Unit Details


13th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Gore's)

13th Cavalry Regiment, usually called Dibrell's 8th Cavalry, was organized in September, 1862, as a partisan ranger command. Its twelve companies were from Overton, Putnam, White, and Jackson counties. The regiment was assigned to Forrest's, Humes', Biffle's, and Dibrell's Brigade. It fought at Parker's Cross Roads, skirmished in Alabama and Georgia, then was engaged at Chickamauga. Later the unit was involved in the Atlanta Campaign, saw action at Saltville in Virginia, took part in the defense of Savannah, and participated in the conflicts at Averysboro and Bentonville. The unit served as President Davis' escort and surrendered at Washington, Georgia, on May 2, 1865. Its commanders were Colonels George G. Dibrell and Mounce L. Gore, Lieutenant Colonel F.H. Daugherty, and Majors William P. Chapin and Jeffrey E. Forrest.
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