Request for Interest for Fixed-Wing Aircraft Support

Channel Islands Aviation

This Request for Interest is for market research purposes only and it is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government for any actual procurement of services.

The purpose of this request for information is to seek information from companies potentially interested and capable of providing fixed-wing aircraft passenger and cargo support for Channel Islands National Park.

Channel Islands National Park has utilized fixed wing aircraft for approximately 40 years in support of park operations to remote park islands off the coast of southern California. This includes regularly scheduled point-to-point transportation of staff and cargo to non-public (National Park Service and private air strips within Channel Islands National Park in support of park operations. This includes occasional special use missions such as aerial photography, wildlife telemetry, and delivery of hazardous materials such as propane, gasoline and batteries.

Visit Fixed-wing Aircraft Support for Channel Islands National Park for more detailed information and submission instructions.

Last updated: April 30, 2021

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1901 Spinnaker Drive
Ventura, CA 93001


805 658-5730

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